The L12-2 amplifier has undergone very minor revisions up to the latest one, the L12-4, associated though with a considerable increase in market price. Still though I regarded that little amplifier to be very capable and worth it.
This has changed recently with the new revision L12-5.
I came across a Youtube review by Mr. Michael Beeny, a very friendly and charming guy btw., who also opened a discussion at about his findings about the new L12-5.
In short: it appears as if the creator of the L12-5 tried to press the latest penny from the design by making it simpler and cheaper, not better, but worse.
It also appears as if certain ´traps´, i.e. errors, were designed intentionally into the schematic and PCB layout to make reengineering of the circuit harder.Overall the layout appears to be not well executed. As a result, the amplifier doesn´t work correctly out of the box.
It has seemingly become a piece of junk, or even a level below that.
In that it now equals the numerous fakes and clones of the earlier L12-2.
So far the creator of the L12 Mr. LJM has not responded. To be honest, his few responds earlier so far have not been all too revealing or helpful, but sounded rather like marketing blab.
Admittedly the L12-2 was imho not really ready for play from the beginning.
That´s why I wrote the section about the modifications.
I´m certain that LJM knows about the bias-generator modification and it´s importance, but the L12-5 still applies the questionable fixed bias scheme which is cheaper in parts and labour cost.
Because of the very low price of the L12-2 modules and the really well functioning after the mods I could still recommend them without having headaches.
This doesn´t apply to the costier new L12-5 and I don´t recommend this version at all.
LJMs behaviour and reactions over the years also don´t generate trust in him, his actions and procedures. His shop -only listed on TaoBao- is almost unaccessible from here ... so You mostly had to rely on a dealer at ebay or AliXpress, hoping to find a honest one, selling You original L12-2s.
To sum up: be cautios!
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