end of ´24
- added a section "Beware! L12-5" under ´Ideas & Circuits´.
- bought a little Gadget ... a small handheld Oscilloscope, the Zeewei DSO2512G at the
BlackFriday sales. See the "Test-Lab"
- updated "TheGreenZone", sections "ZOE" and "Climate"
- added news in section ´TheGreenZone´
- new section in ´Test-Lab´ describing my recently ebayed HV-Supply.
- updated section Test-Lab/Lab-Supplies, HP6140C and Fluke 415B
- corrected some typos
- updated section Test-Lab/Network-Impedance Analyzers HP3577A-de
- updated section Test-Lab/What I´d like to have
- added "From the F5 to the SuperNOVA" in section "Power amplifiers"
- began "discrete solid-state-SRPP" under section ´Ideas&Circuits/Phono-Vinyl´
- mZOE is having its second birthday. Average consumption settles around 17.9kWh/100km brutto and 14.9kWh/10km netto. Rekuperation won me 654kWh, translating to almost 4400km of free ride
- added news in the "TheGreenZone" section.
- the ZOE drove 15.000km at an average consumption of 18.55kWh/100km brutto, resp. energy costs of 5.05€/100km
- added some news and comments to "Renault Zoe - BEV" section
- ZOE surpassed 12000km by now. Still enjoying each day driving with her.
- managed to source a pair of replacement tubes for the Fluke 415B for a reasonable price
- added a video-link and a test-preview to section phonolab-de
- corrected for some typos
- 3-2-1-done. Won the bid on ebay on a vintage HV-power supply, the Fluke 415B.
Basically the circuitry originating from the late 50s, this is a high precision high-voltage linear regulated(!) power supply still functioning with remarkable accuracy and stability.
It can supply for 0-3.1kV and up to 32mA.
- my ZOE had its first, 1-year inspection at ~9000km. Everything fine.
- updated Renault ZOE - BEV section with new consumption values
- updated section Mobility and Technology
- removed the AAA-Link. I can´t recommend it wholeheartedly any more as the forum is purposely shifting towards postfactualism. Worse, moderators acting as active players, provoking reactions of users -conspiciously high number of technical orientated users that is-, and escalating tone in threads so that they eventually find reason to close down threads and/or ban users.
june ´21
another ebay-Kleinanzeigen hit.
The HP6140A is a digital and analog controllable current source.
Will soon add it to the Test-Lab section.
mid May ´21
added L12-2 V.4 schematics to section ´L12-2 modifications´
added reviews of the Phonolab and the Monophonic to section ´Phono - Vinyl" (german only)
end of april ´21
added section Merason Frérot in ´Projects/Digital´
early april ´21
added section ´Micsig DP20003 active differential HV-probe´ to Test-Lab/Probes
end march ´21
- after ca. 4.000km the first comparison of consumption, resp. the cost of ´fuel´ per 100km of my Renault ZOE indicates that it consumes only 65% of my hard earned Euros than my former Fiat Punto 1.4. See the new section ´TheGreenZone´. The section shall also include general information about developments in electro-mobility, battery-technology and Photovoltaics.
- Edited section ´Preamp Relay Control´
early march ´21
the pandemic still has a firm grip on us but things are quite ok over here.
Meanwhile Germany does what it can do best .... burocracy and regulation. Due to it we are way behind the proposed vaccination number count and the incident figures rise. We even haven´t managed yet to offer all the old people >80years who are first on the priority list their first shots.
I derive some weird comfort from the knowledge that I reach my 80s too ... one day far far away.
Due to shortly falling intermediate incident figures we are now allowed to visit hair dressers(!), flower shops(!!) and DIY markets again. Don´t You catch the logic behind? Me neither!
Oh wait ... there are elections ahead .... the have to offer the plebs panem et circenses ... Oh my ...
Anyway, I immediately went to get me the missing power outlet sockets for my lab.
Distributor Distrelec offers OEM devices under its own brand name RND labs. Till April´21 they have the RND320-KEL103 electronic load on special sale. This 300W/120V/30A electronic load is a rebranded and already affordable (330€ exVAT) KORAD KEL103 that got some good critics on the EEVblog. Distrelec asks for 245€ (exVAT), which seems like a real hot deal. The smaller 150W version KEL102 sells at 220€.
There might be even cheaper offers at Alibaba et al ... but instead for hunting for the last penny I rather have the services of a renowned ´local´ distributor at hand. So I placed an order. Read more in the new section Electronic Load.
You served me well over many years my good friend.
You took abuse, fell and rose again.
Never complained or asked for something but a new tip every now and then and some tape to keep Your bruised body together.
You were so simple and easy to live with.
No fancyisms no bitching. Just a decent guy and always a straight performer.
But the last fall took Your life prematurely at the tender age of 38.
I´ll miss You .... WECP50
end of 2020.
While around us the world seems to darken as Corona attacks and Trump threatening to not step down, and politics in general seeming to become more radical and right-winged, things have gone on quite well for me and around me. My employer performed well apart from 2-3 months and was able to grant end-of-year bonuses to all employes. Fortunately all stayed healthy also.
I´m still enjoying my new ZOE every day and the laboratory is making progress. Could fetch some devices and bought stuff like cables and those small helpers one needs all the time.
Hope that 2021 will become a better Year for the world as 2020 and as it appears at the moment.
nov. 1st. ´20
The US are going to vote in a few hours.
I guess everybody with a decent attitude towards sanity and truth is hoping that the dump Trump-era will end quickly and that it will end without violence.
I can´t believe how many americans still believe in this self-centered bully who´s a lying so-and-so.
May time send him into oblivion afap.
oct.19th ´20
as of today I´m officially going electric.
I just got my Renault ZOE delivered.
Driving fully electric is soo nice and comfortable and it certainly is the future of personal mobility.
No doubt about that!
Thanks to the government´s financial support of electro-mobility the ZOE and other E-cars have become affordable and are selling very well over here.
end of sept´ 20
the AS Monophonic project is finished for my part. Also finished three inverse RIAAs for testing purposes.
Got me some nice LED-lights for my lab to mount to the bottom-side of the first floor workplate.
3x90cm wide and giving 3x1200Lumen at 4000K there are now certainly enough Photons flying around to enlighten me properly ;-) Weather is becoming really autumnal, cold and wet over here.
Unfortunately I still have to wait four more weeks for my new car to arrive ... meaning I have to ride the bike to get to and from work.
aug ´20
the AS Monophonic project is almost finished and short before making its market appearance.
Added a new section to Phono - Vinyl
july ´20
the measurement lab is almost finished. Got the workplates mounted and the old electric cabling (from the 40´s!?!) was replaced. Also populated the lab with some more or less useful stuff ;-)
mai ´20
- the measurement lab is slowly growing. Test-wise I screwed the profile frames together. The workplates out of massive laminated beech tree arrived and I started to machine and oil them.
Still a lot of work ahead.
- found a pair of professional ATE power supplies from TDK-Lambda on ebay. Made an offer and won the bid. See new entry under "Test-Lab - Instruments".
- also the long sought after ´intelligent curve tracer´ by locky_z was offered again on ebay by locky_z himself. In a quick decision I bought it. It won´t and in some cases can´t replace my beloved TREK576, but for many applications the modern tracer and its documentation functions will come handy.
apr ´20
-Corona hit the world. I´m lucky again. Going to work as usual, buying food as usual. All around me are still healthy. Yes, keeping the distance and wearing masks obviuosly makes it different, but living at the countryside with a nice quiet garden basically not much changed. Hope we can defeat the virus soon and people can return to their lives and recover.
Thanks to all those brave people who fight the virus in the front line.
- the aluminum profiles for my measurement lab bench arrived. Will have something to build the next couple of weeks. I´m very excited about how it will look finished.
mar ´20
my faithful old weller soldering station broke. Had it since ´86. Though it seemed that only the still replaceble heater element was broken, I decided to look for a new station, since the Weller casing and handle had several cracks, and it had been glued and taped together for many years. Found something cheap on ebay ... a tiny chinese thing with a Hakko T12 clone tip and thought I´d give it a try.
Wow man that thing heats up fast! Its on target temperature wthin a couple of seconds and melts even large solder blobs much much faster and easier than the Weller. Well it most definitely is cheap chinese stuff that requires some safety mods and it certainly will not survive 34 years, but will that any of the new devices from Weller, Ersa, Hakko etc? I guess no!
In the meantime I´ll enjoy the speed and comfort of the new station and am already tempted to buy another one ... maybe a KSGER T12.
mar 07.20
Lucky bastard I am :-) Today my new gadget for my home lab arrived. On ebay Kleinanzeigen I spyed a professional convection reflow oven for a really good price and won the bid. More under "Test-Lab - Instruments"
- corrected a few misprints and added the english part for the HP3577A VNA
End of feb ´20
- added the Image-HiFi magazine review of the AS Phonolab.
jan ´20
A new decade. Doesn´t seem as if it could become any better than the last one. Seems as if in politics more and more idiots are at work. Anyway, Christmas and New Year went quiet and I did some research and shop-search. Found a offer for an old HP VNA and made a successful bid.
The HP3577A is true boat anchor weighing in at 28kg. When it went to market in the early 80´s it was a true sota VNA with outstanding capabilities and dynamic range, and even the modern devices are no better at all. My VNA has some - hopefully minor- issues which need so be sorted out. But then t´ll be a first class VNA for measurements from 5Hz to 200MHz.
- Update: The VNA just went out of adjustment. So no hardware failure but just a bit of turning potis to get it started without failure messages.
dec ´19
Due to overstress from the move I had to undergo a hand surgery which of course toppled over a few plannings. I couldn´t finalize the renovation of the new home yet and other projects are also delayed and going slow. Still though I´m scanning ebay et al for new instruments and devices. Got me a another Multimeter (see new entry in section Test-Lab) and ordered a H-field/E-field probe set.
early Sept. ´19
I´m in the state of repairing/refurbishing the P6042 current probe. The HP54001A, 1GHz active probe has arrived and looks good ... not tested yet. Ex-boss revives the ESL-amp idea. That transforms my plans for the Calvin ESEL into a fully digital MusicServer/ESL-Speaker system.
Edited the Calvin ESEL and TEK 576 parts and added HP54001A (Test-Lab - Instruments)
End of Aug ´19
Has been a busy year so far. Moved into a new home .... off of the loud neighboring Autobahn to the next small village where it is just sooo quiet. :-)
Had to renovate the old flat and the new ... which is not yet ready .... and are now still searching where and into which box I possibly put those d**** cables, feedthroughs and all the small things I need for measurements. I hope to have it all together again to the end of september.
Anyway, recently I took the chance and picked a TEK P6042a current probe from ebay personal ads for ´only´ 250€. Typically sold for ~500€ it turned out the low price had a reason ..... it didn´t work as it should. See the new entry under Test-Lab.
The AS Phonolab received a very good review in the actual IMAGE HiFi magazine. Quite enjoyable reading ;-)
My beloved ESLs are still unpacked and will stay so probabely up to next year.
The reason is, that they meanwhile simply built too high for my taste and .... Hey honey, I plan to shrink the ESLs (gg).
This means to get rid of the electronics chamber below the panel and to reduce the number of bass drivers from 8 to 6 and chopping off a piece of the towers. This of course also means to design the electronics completely new, as I don´t want to drive them with the class-D amps and through the simple DSP-Filter any more. Since my ex-boss wants me to do a layout/design for a multi-channel DAC and since the Accourate software can easily run on the music server I´m rolling an idea in my head to do the X-over including full room correction via Accourate, multi-channel DACs and decent amplifiers. Well, see how it develops.
Transition from ´18 to ´19 went quiet and smooth.
A Analog Discovery2 arrived. Hope to find out that I can use it as decent Impedance-, Network- and Spectrum Analyzer.
Also its time to look a back on how 2018 was and what may come in 2019 ... so here are some more Comics .... enjoy
and of course no day without weird news from the ubiquitous, perpetual Donald Trump
End of December 2018
- wrote some lines for Test-Lab - Instruments
- corrected for many small errors and typos again (sigh)
- it had been a good year so far ... no health issues (almost forgot my motorbike crash *lol*), job runs well, relatives and friends are ok, even Mrs. Merkel´s period as head of her party finally ended (and her´s beeing a Chancelorette is on the finish line also, Yabbadabbadoo) ... if only the world be´d in a better condition. Leaves lot of room for improvement in 2019.
But let´s not become too pessimistic ;-)
End of November 2018
- I decided to put back together my german and international site on one site and just keep the more
fancy new look ;-)
- corrected for many small errors and typos
- added a section about lab-instruments and measurement gear
USA´s west burns down but Mr. D.Trump still negates a human influence on climatic change ..... what a nincompoop
3rd Q of 2018
bought a Audio Technica AT-F7 low-otput MC pickup. What a beauty
It fits my TheKiller tonearm soo well ;-)
2nd Q of 2018
Since I only had some old analog lab instruments I decided to buy some new stuff.
End of March 2018
Begin to write my german website.
The german part will eventually be taken off of this site and be transferred to the new site
September, 2017
- the phono preamp project is close to the finish. The prototypes have had their first evaluation and listening sessions. So far everyone who experienced the phono rated it very high. Almost all comments sound similar .... very high resolution and precision ... very exact staging ... remarkably low noise and extremely low hum. But the most noticeable comment is speed speed and speed.
Soon personal evaluation reports and magazine reviews will follow and I´m quite shure they will be very very positive. My client also seems to be very happy with the outcome. I just hope that it becomes the commercial success he hopes for.
- corrected website for some minor issues like typos, text passages and enlarging-on-click for some pics and graphics.
- added chapter ´CFP buffer/preamplifier´ in Menue ´ideas and circuits/preamplifier´
August, 2017
- started work for my new employer, a german electronic parts manufacturer.
Juli, 2017
- a almost 2 year running project is finally coming to an end. It started in that a aquaintance I had met on the AAA fair asked me to take a look at his project.
So I ended developing a new PCB layout and when the device still not reached the specs, I was asked to develop a complete new design.
Well, the first prototype has passed a couple of shootouts against renowned and considerably higher priced competitors and performs exceptionally well so far.
Production run should start in a few weeks and I´ll see if I can disclose more later.
April, 2017
- changed the section ´hybrid buffers´
March, 2017
- started ´really good 100W amplifier´ in section ´ideas and circuits´.
December, 2016
- Updated section ´ MyTechnics´ with subsections ´Tonearm´ and ´Pickup´
- Updated section ´All-JFET SE-Phono´
- Due to the required update to https I lost my counter at over 24000 hits and had to relaunch a new one :-(
- Updated section ideas/misc with CMOS-logic circuits
- my work for purist ends at the end of 2016 and I´m looking forward to meet new challenges.
November, 2016
British crazyness dwarfed!
Americans have had their presidential elections and the world rubs her eyes in astonishment. How can a proven incorrigible liar, a rude egocentric bully and the worst-wig-on-earth become the new leader of the mightiest military power?
It only requires a keen eye and low intellect to realize that Donald Trump is capable of a lot, but won´t be the one who ´makes America great again´ ... whatever that means anyway.
This is a prime example that one should not make important decisions when beeing in a state of angryness or emotionally off-centeredness.
Btw. did You know that the phrase ´make america great again´ ....
... and guess by whom?
August, 2016
- Updated the Buffer menue with the ´Hybrid-Compound-Buffer´
- Beginning of ´Verschiedenes/Miscellaneous´ a chapter about helper- and periphery-circuits
Juli, 9th. 2016
June, 24th. 2016
Brexit - or "Little Britain at it´s worst"
If the EU granted for one of the longest pieceful periods in Europe alone, it´d be worth every effort and be worth to remain a part of it. Unfortunately the British have chosen to not be a part of it in future.
They have at the same given up the chance to evolve and improve the EU from within.
Let´s just hope that matters come out well
These Britons are crazy!
Mid-June 2016
Beginning new built of phono Calvin-RP1 in a casing that I found at Fischer Elektronik, the TONDO-series TON 111 30 200. I´ll take it in black anodized with red stripes.
End of May 2016
Beginning to write the chapter "ideas and circuits -- Verstärker / amplifiers"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Received the slotted glass tubes from the Glasfachschule (glas college).
They managed to cut the slots quite clean with only minor break-offs. I´m happy as all glass specialists before had turned me down, claiming that alrady hardened glass could not be cut without major destruction.
I think the cutting surface can be smoothed with a diamond orcorundum tool.
Mid May 2016
Whilst my stay in Regen around the HighEnd 2016 I left the two Schott glass tubes -intended for a Cantus tonearm clone project- to the Glasfachschule ´glass college´ in nearby Zwiesel to try to cut slots into the tubes.
Mai 05.-08.2016
We showed at the Munic HighEnd 2016 show.
Had a small both in Hall4,R14, showing our Music Server.
Also we showed the complete setup at an off-side location only 100m distanced from the MOC.
See a short report with pics on monoandstereo
The setup consisted of:
Audience critics were very positive, yes even outrageously positive. Quite regularly the terms ´best of show´ and ´best, I ever heard´ fell. Listeners were astonished about the huge dynamic range and stupendous ´speed´ and attack this compact -at least for super box standards- speaker system delivered, fed from rather medium wattage amps. The performance was certainly exciting and great fun for every listener.
March 2016
Oct 31st - Nov 1st, 2015
Analog-Form in Krefeld.
I could show two turntable projects and one Calvin/RP1-PCB at the room of a befriended dealer.
The MyTechnics TT as fully completed and functioning device and the TheKiller TT and the Calvin-PCB as partly finished non-functional devices.
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