Besides having really good and big multimeters it is quite sensible to also have a few more handy ones for everyday useage. These should be good enough to do trustworthy measurements and be tough enough to withstand rough handling all day long, but should also not stress the budget too far.
After the really good experiences with the Brymen DMMs a BM235 or its smaller brother BM231 were ranking high on my favourites list. In the end, and against the afore critized lack of robustness, it became the UNI-T UT61e in the european GS/TÜV variant. The differences to the normal version are three MOVs and slightly bigger PTCs. The increase in robustness typically costs about 20€ extra. Also I intend to use it only for lowvoltage measurements. I could fetch mine from an action-sale at almost the normal version´s price. The decision pro UNI-T fell due to its high digit-count in first place. The 22.000 counts allow to display voltages up to to slightly above 22V with 3 digit after the comma, while the 6.000 counts Brymen displays voltages above 6V with only 2 digits after the comma. The basic accuracy complies with the resolution.
In its apperance and handling layout it resembles the Brymen. The casing appears to be solid and confidence inspiring and is protected by a thick red holster. The display certainly belongs to the better ones of its kind and is easily readable.
The moderate pricing rather becomes apparent when you open it up and take a look inside.
The quality is mediocre to just decent. It is equipped with classical potis for calibration and adjustment though. Beeing a quite successful model in the market You find the schematics and many repair- and modification instructions on the net.
Feature-wise it comes with rather bad than decent probes and a USB adapter with associated software on a mini-CD. It is strongly advised to replace the probes with decent ones in case You need the DMM for more than just occasional useage.
You find many reviews and tests on the internet and it performs quite well within its price range .... and if it should proove to be not as well as I thought I still can buy another Brymen.
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